Adventure series part ii.

Hey friends and welcome back to my blog!!! Today I'm going to walk you through a beautiful love story.

Justin and Gabriela are some of the coolest people ever. These two met in Brazil!! I can just imagine all the butterflies he felt when he began to fall for this beautiful girl. When Gabriela reached out to me, she said that they loved nature and small moments together.

Let's be real for a second. The small moments make up LIFE. So many times we get caught up on goals, like visiting the Grand Canyon or going to see the Eiffel Tower, but life is so much more than that. Just to be clear, I am a fan of setting goals!! I'm a teacher (the strict kind...) so you can imagine my mindset. I am a believer in hard work and raising the bar. It's so rewarding to achieve something when you know you worked hard for it, right??

there's more to life.

While I'm clearly an advocate for hustling and dreaming big, I've also been on the other side where that got me into trouble. It's all about balance, which I'm still learning. Sometimes it can be overwhelming between church, school, family, and photography. We all have responsibilities and schedules that don't allow much time for hobbies or a moment to breathe. Sometimes I feel like it's all happening so fast that I'm just waiting for life to really begin. We can be in the middle of really good things, and be missing it by looking ahead to the big things. We see the big trips everyone else is posting. We see all these other people with a big friend group, and we're lying in our bed scrolling instagram with a bag of chips. I GET IT!! I've been there, and it's easy to do but we can't stay there! Life is... smaller than that. Real life is going to work and spending the day with your co-workers. Life is going out to dinner with loved ones. Life is day trips because it's all that you can pull off but if those are the days that will add up to be the majority of our lives, why not make the most out of them?! Why would we try to make it to the weekend when the week takes up way more time! Go find something fun to do! Don't wait for a better time to start that class or visit a nearby town, just GO!! Live it to the fullest!! I may never make it across the nation, but I'm going to go everywhere that WV has to offer. Literally why not.

plan a visit to dolly sods!

here's all the detailsss

The first thing you need to know about Dolly Sods is you will feel lost. You lose cell service like an hour before arriving which means you won't be able to load your map to get back out. dang. BUT it's worth it so just trust the process.

You'll drive on a gravel road for a good ways. When I went I started getting stressed because I had never been and it wasn't exactly a specific location I was going to. I typed in "Dolly Sods Wilderness" which is huge!

Instead of making the same mistake as me, put "Bear Rocks Preserve" in your maps. However, if your memory is awful and you're scared of actually being lost, take a paper map because it's a legit issue that could come up LOL. Don't let that stop you from going though!! You can look up photos online or look through this gallery, but nothing can do it justice. It's just acres of untouched Creation. It honestly felt like a holy place just knowing that God made it with such beauty. If He put that much thought and effort into the Earth, how much must He love us to give us the dominion. We see nature and acknowledge it's beauty. We KNOW that God didn't make any mistakes and that it's perfect and yet we doubt ourselves. Side note: YOU ARE FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE!!! Truly, you are. God sees you. He didn't make any mistakes when He made you, and if you need a physical reminder I see you!! I love you. You're here for a purpose.

bear rocks

This photo was taken at the Bear Rocks Preserve which is just the overlook at the end of the road. There's a parking lot and plenty of different rocks you can explore and capture if you're looking for photos!

I absolutely loved my evening at Dolly Sods with Justin and Gabriela. We explored and did some crazy poses that made them feel ridiculous. We laughed and ran through fields and caught the best sunset ever. It was great. I hope you enjoyed my play by play. It was a bit chaotic but I have ADHD so that's to be expected... anyways! love y'all. BOOK ME FOR A COOL PLACE LIKE THIS!! I wanna go and become besties!